The Math Motivation Problem

Where potential meets frustration: without the right approach…

Homework turns into nightly battles
Math anxiety affects your child's performance
Your child's learning plateaus despite your efforts

Whether your kid struggles with math or excels at it, keeping up motivation and progress can feel like an uphill battle. You might feel powerless as you watch their confidence and interest fade away.

How would your kid's future change if math became their superpower?

The Secret Behind the Magic

You know your child is capable of greatness. Magic Academy harnesses that potential, transforming screen time into an irresistible adventure where kids dive in and master math at warp speed.

Motivation Mastery

We've cracked the code on learning: 90% is motivation. Watch in amazement as reluctance turns into enthusiasm.

Spellbinding Gameplay

Enter a world where math challenges become epic quests. Your child will master math skills without even realizing it.

Rewards That Matter

Virtual triumphs lead to real-world treasures. From LEGO sets to gaming consoles, we make learning exciting and rewarding.

All for $299

The Power of Motivation

Rewriting the Rules of Learning

Who says 5th grade math has to take a year? That's an artificial constraint. At Magic Academy, we've discovered the two key ingredients for rapid math mastery:

  1. Tons of motivation
  2. A system that adapts to each child's pace

Traditional schools offer neither. They lack engaging motivation and force entire classes to march at the same pace for a full year. Magic Academy changes the game entirely.

Our Formula: 90% Pure Motivation

What truly motivates kids? We've cracked the code:

  • Addictive Video Games: Turn math into an epic adventure
  • Exciting Prizes: Earn rewards that matter in the real world
  • Thrilling Competition: Race friends to the top of the leaderboard

Imagine if all the hours kids spend on video games were redirected into mastering math. That's exactly what we've done.

The Magical Outcome

Here's where the true magic happens: Kids can spend just 20 hours playing our game and master an entire grade level of math.

Do you think that's magic? We do.

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Choose Your Adventure

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Get 12 months for the price of 10 when you pay annualy



Dip your toes into a magical world of math. Perfect for curious minds testing the waters.

Start Your QuestStart Your Quest



Full access for 30 days. Earn real prizes while mastering math. How far can you go?



Only $25/mo (best value!) when you commit to a year of adventure. Master entire grade levels in record time.

Compare Plans

Free Plan

Premium Plans

Exciting gameplay

Standard-aligned math

In-game rewards

Real-world prizes

3rd party standardized testing



Exciting gameplay

Standard-aligned math

In-game rewards

Real-world prizes

3rd party standardized testing

Why Premium?

  • Amplify motivation with real prizes like an iPad or an Xbox
  • Track growth with industry-standard MAP testing
  • Master an entire grade level of math in just 20 hours of gameplay

With our premium plans, your child isn't just learning—they're earning back your investment with real prizes and pro-level tracking. Upgrade to Premium and watch their enthusiasm for learning skyrocket!




Master math through addictive gameplay

Common Core aligned curriculum

Team up with friends for multiplayer adventures

Daily quests and world events

Participate in leaderboard competitions

Full character customization

Unrestricted access to all grade levels (1st-8th)

Ad-free, safe learning environment

Regular content updates and new quests

Access on multiple devices

Earn diamonds for completing math challenges

Redeem diamonds for real world prizes

Win prizes for top leaderboard rankings

Track progress with 3rd party standardized testing

Ultimate value (50% off)






$599 $299

Addictive math gameplay

Aligns with Common Core

Multiplayer math adventures

Daily quests, world events

Compete on leaderboards

Full character customization

All grades (1st-8th) accessible

Safe, ad-free learning

Regular content updates

Access on multiple devices

Earn diamonds

Redeem diamonds for prizes

Win leaderboard rewards

Third-party progress tracking

Ultimate value (50% off)

Join the Magic Academy Summer Camp

An immersive online summer camp in the Magic Academy world with daily activities for ages 8-12.


One Week Math Adventure

Enhance your child's math skills through an exciting journey of learning and adventure.

Master math through thrilling quests in a magical world

Win real-world rewards for mathematical achievements.

Join forces in multiplayer missions and competitions.

Interactive Daily Activities

Flexible schedule: Choose morning, afternoon, or evening sessions.

Daily login for personalized quests and world events.

Tackle math challenges disguised as magical missions.

Team up for multiplayer adventures and friendly competitions.

Advance at your own pace, aligned with Common Core standards.

Benefits of Magic Academy Summer Camp

Learn math in our structured program that includes competitive and collaborative challenges.

Keep your child engaged and prevent summer learning loss.

Engage with peers in social activities and build new friendships.

Starts July 26th at 15 PM ET

Money-Back Guarantee

Risk-free enrollment. Full refund available if not 100% satisfied.

Inside Magic Academy

Academic Excellence Through Play

At Magic Academy, we believe learning should be as exciting as the games children love. Our unique approach integrates math practice into an immersive gaming experience.

Common Questions

Common Questions

How can Magic Academy help my child?
Will this help them in school?
How does the reward system work?
Will Magic Academy work across multiple platforms?
What grade levels are supported?
Can I gift Magic Academy to a friend or relative?

Why Choose Magic Academy?

Academic Excellence

Watch your child's knowledge soar with Magic Academy's proven learning system. Our game delivers measurable improvements in their math skills, turning screen time into a powerful educational asset.

Perfect Alignment

Forget learning gaps—think academic leaps! Our content aligns perfectly with school standards, ensuring your child not only strengthens weak areas but also has the potential to leap a full grade level forward!

Captivating Gameplay

Transform learning from a chore into a quest. Magic Academy's enchanting world captures your child's imagination, making learning an adventure they'll eagerly race back to day after day.

Motivational Reward System

It's not just a game—it's a effective motivator that makes education the highlight of your child’s day. Our unique reward system is a powerful incentive that keeps them coming back for more math mastery.